ASIC design & Special Applications
Microtest can support customers in the development of their ideas by implementing innovative and tailored electromechanical solutions.
Microtest high skilled team of engineers can develop a project starting from zero.
All the phases – design, reliability, quality control, layout, production and assembly – are carried out within the organization with the possibility to optimize time and resources.
“The silicon solutions accessible to all”
Ready to put your dream in a piece of silicon
“From a customer idea to an electromechanical Turnkey Solution”
Thinking different, producing in innovative way
“Fast, Good, Cheap: it isn’t a longer an utopia”
Looking at the present with the technology of the future

Services portfolio Download
Services portfolio Download
“The silicon solutions accessible to all”
- Medium Volume Management for the Full Custom Integrated Components [ASIC]
- Innovative solutions, given by 20 years experience of Smart Power ASICs Development
- Proven analog& digital knowledge in Mixed Signal Technologies, specialized in Automotive Field
- Capability to manage all development steps (Design, Testing, Reliability & Qualification) from Specification to the Industrialization and Mass-Production
- Design for X > zero PPM solutions
- Automotive & Industrial Applications : Airbag & ABS, LIN /CAN Bus Interfaces, Sensor Interfaces Safety Power Supply.
- ASIC for ATE performance improvement: innovative and proprietary solutions
“From a customer idea to an electromechanical Turnkey Solution”
- 20 years design experience on Automotive, RF, Biomedical, Military Applications
- Very fast Prototype realization
- Turn-key Solutions, provided also with mechanical equipment
- High Quality Warranty of Boards/System, thanks to the Completely Internal Production & Quality Flow
- Advanced Technology of the Automatic Assembly Line (Jet Printing & Vacuum Vapor phase)
- Design for X (Reliability, Yield, Manufacturing, Repeatability, Failure Mode & MTBF analysis)
- Consolidated experience in FPGAs Programming (Xilinx Platform)
- Low Cost Solutions thanks to a Full internal Control of Development Process
- Customized software /firmware/ hardware development
- Interdisciplinary Know-how
- Mechanical and Electronic (Power & Signal Integrity) Simulation Platforms
- State of art for mechanical and electronic production
- Environmental & Reliability Test on the Finished Board/System
- Full Hardware control: Functional or Flying Probe Test
“Fast, Good, Cheap: it isn’t a longer an utopia”
- DIB, PID, BID & Probe Card for every ATE platform
- 20 years design experience on Automotive, RF, Biomedical, Industrial, Mems, Military, Space Applications
- Very fast prototyping for board realization (less than 5 weeks for medium hardware complexity)
- High quality warranty thanks to the advanced and innovative technology for assembly, quality and verification development steps
- Low cost solutions thanks to the development flow completely internal to the organization
- Hardware verification at 100% of board coverage (Flying Probe Control)
- Mechanical frames (standard or customized) for ATE docking
- Functional test on the standard ATE Platform
- Innovative modular solutions to increase the hardware density
- More than 150 prototypes/years
- High frequency RF solution with dedicated simulation tool
- Electronic (Power & Signal Integrity) Simulation Platforms