27 Lug:
Microtest - Il controllore di chip
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22 Lug:
Microtest protagonista su Radio 24
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22 Mag:
Covid-19 update: Microtest has never stopped working, respecting delivery times and increasing efficiency
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30 Apr:
Smart Waste
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20 Apr:
We make it work, together
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27 Mar:
Operative and responsive to the emergency: We make it work. Microtest ensures production continuity and support
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24 Gen:
MICROTEST S.R.L. – Project co-financed under Tuscany FAS– Fondo Aree Sottosviluppate
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22 Gen:
Microtest supports AIRC: research and innovation to beat cancer
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13 Dic:
Microtest at the International
Italian-Russian meeting dedicated to the
aero-space sector
Italian-Russian meeting dedicated to the
aero-space sector
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04 Dic:
"Research goes on stage" with Microtest
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28 Giu:
SA 8000 - 2019
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20 Apr:
POR CreO - Programma Operativo Regionale Crescita e occupazione
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06 Dic:
Nonconformities and customer’s claims
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20 Giu:
aps Solutions GmbH signs a Distributor and Service Agreement with MICROTEST S.r.l. from Italy
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