| Lascia un CommentoBANDO R&S2 2020 Azione 1.1.5 Sub a1 – POR CreO FESR Regione Toscana 2014 – 2020 Download project
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/ | Lascia un CommentoThe annual Microtest convention was held in the beautiful location of the Principino Eventi in Viareggio. The event was organized […]
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/ | Lascia un CommentoThe annual Microtest convention was held in the beautiful location of the Principino Eventi in Viareggio. The event was organized […]
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Microtest “Stay Together”: torneo di padel
/ | Lascia un CommentoUn nuovo appuntamento di sport offerto a tutti i dipendenti Microtest: il torneo aziendale di padel ha visto sfidarsi 16 […]
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Microtest “Stay Together”: torneo di padel
/ | Lascia un CommentoUn nuovo appuntamento di sport offerto a tutti i dipendenti Microtest: il torneo aziendale di padel ha visto sfidarsi 16 […]
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Ross Martindale è il nuovo direttore commerciale di Microtest
/ | Lascia un CommentoMicrotest e Xenon Private Equity hanno scelto Ross Martindale come nuovo Direttore Commerciale; la sua nomina si inserisce nella attuale […]
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Microtest “Stay Together”:
corso di avvicinamento al vino
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Nel mese di settembre 2022 Microtest ha organizzato un corso di avvicinamento al vino dedicato ai dipendenti in collaborazione con […]
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Microtest joins forces with Xenon Private Equity to accelerate the business growth
| Lascia un CommentoMicrotest has entered into a partnership with Xenon Private Equity, a private equity fund with more than 30 years of […]
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Microtest spreads innovation: more than 500 ATE systems sold worldwide by 2021.
/ | Lascia un CommentoSince its foundation in 1999 Microtest’s driving force is creating a value innovation for customers. Microtest’s team of highly specialized […]
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Microtest partecipates to the ASPIRE project
| Lascia un CommentoMicrotest is one of the three Italian companies selected to be part of the ASPIRE programme for space exploration, a […]
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Microtest is proud to be part of the launch of the new Raspberry Pi Pico
| Lascia un CommentoRaspberry Pi Pico is the first microcontroller designed directly by Raspberry Pi Foundation. Microtest actively contributed to make this project […]
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Microtest – Health is the best gift for everyone
/ | Lascia un CommentoMicrotest decided to allocate Christmas 2020 donation for research to defeat pediatric cancer and to sustain the public health system […]
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Microtest – Il controllore di chip
| Lascia un CommentoIl controllore di chip Radio24 dedica a Microtest una puntata di Darwin Emiliano Consani ospite di Chiara Albicocco e Federico […]
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Microtest protagonista su Radio 24
| Lascia un CommentoEmiliano Consani, Hardware Development & Production Manager di #Microtest, è stato ospite di “2024” la trasmissione di #Radio24 dedicata a […]
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Covid-19 update: Microtest has never stopped working, respecting delivery times and increasing efficiency
/ | Lascia un CommentoSince the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak, Microtest adapted its working practices to the new conditions required by the Italian […]
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Smart Waste
| Lascia un CommentoSmart Waste: the RFID technology employed to improve the collection and recording procedure for non-recyclable waste. Problem: Ascit is the […]
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We make it work, together
| Lascia un Commento“Microtest make it work” Microelectronic devices are nowadays used in every area; using them is essential for a technological development. […]
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Operative and responsive to the emergency: We make it work. Microtest ensures production continuity and support
| Lascia un CommentoDuring this COVID-19 emergency we are committed to support the industries operating in the strategic segments, which have an essential […]
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Microtest supports AIRC: research and innovation to beat cancer
/ | Lascia un CommentoThe social influence of a company is represented not only by the turnover, but also through the ability to integrate […]
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Microtest at the International
Italian-Russian meeting dedicated to the
aero-space sector
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Microtest has taken part to the international Italian-Russian meeting dedicated to the “Scientific and industrial technologies in the aero-space sector”. […]
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“Research goes on stage” with Microtest
| Lascia un CommentoMicrotest partecipated to the event “Research goes on stage” organized by Tuscan Region dedicated to exhibit the reasons and benefits […]
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